Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Truth.

           At the end of my last post, I presented the question, "How can we know the truth?"  Wayne Grudem states in Systematic Theology that "one purpose of miracles is certainly to authenticate the message of the gospel."  (359)  But how do we authenticate miracles?  In reality, miracles must be accepted with a certain amount of faith as well.  Often people who are eyewitnesses of miracles have less trouble believing miracles than those that merely hear of the miracles second-hand.
                My personal opinion of the existence of miracles is that of a believer.  I believe miracles are initiated by the power of God.  However, I agree with the verse written in post four that miracles will not prove the existence of God to those who do not desire to believe.  Timothy McGrew states "a positive nor a negative claim regarding the existence of God can be established on the basis of evidence for a miracle claim alone."  But as to the existence of miracles themselves, I start with a belief in the existence of God which is the basis of my faith.  This belief leads to the belief in miracles themselves.  Much evidence has been documented on the existence of miracles but this will not be believed unless the observer incorporates a certain amount of faith into the equation.  This evidence, for me, merely reenforces my belief in God, the validity of the scriptures, and miracles themselves.
McGrew, Timothy.  "Miracles."  Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.  2 July 2011.  Web. 29 October 2011.
Grudem, Wayne.  Systematic Theology S.E. Grand Rapids Michigan; Zondervan 1994

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